Periodic/preventative health care involves relating to an asymptomatic patient for the purpose of case finding and screening for undetected disease and higher risk behavior. It is also an opportunity for health promotion and disease prevention. The elements of the PHE can be delivered by dedicated planned visits or opportunistically in the context of other health care visits.
The decision to include or exclude a medical condition in the PHE should be based on the burden of suffering caused by the condition, the quality of the screening, and effectiveness of the intervention.
By the end of Family Medicine Clerkship, students will be able to:
1. Conduct a patient interview so as to identify any significant age-, sex-, context-specific risk factors for health conditions.
a. Examples include exercise, diet, substance use, immunizations, falls
2. Conduct an age-, sex-, and context-specific evidence-informed physical exam.
a. Examples include blood pressure, weight, waist circumference
3. Discuss pertinent screening tests and explain their purposes & limitations.
a. Examples include Colorectal cancer screening, bone mineral density, PSA testing, diabetes and hyperlidipemia screening
4. Counsel patients on relevant health promotion/ disease prevention strategies.
a. Examples include immunizations, exercise, diet, calcium/Vitamin D, smoking cessation
Clinical Cards
Recommended Resources Addressing the Objectives
Male Preventive Care Checklist Form (2 pages)
Objectives covered: All
Dubey V, Mathew R, Iglar K, Duerksen A. Preventive Care Checklist Form: For average-risk, routine, male health assessments. 2010; Available at: http://www.cfpc.ca/uploadedFiles/Health_Policy/_PDFs/PreventiveCareChecklistMaleEnglish2011.pdf. Accessed Aug/01, 2014.
Explanations for the Preventive Care Checklist Form (4 pages)
Objectives covered: All
Dubey V, Mathew R, Iglar K, Duerksen A. Explanations for the Preventive Care Checklist Form. 2010; Available at: http://www.cfpc.ca/uploadedFiles/Health_Policy/_PDFs/PreventiveCareChecklistExplanation2011.pdf. Accessed Aug/01, 2014.
Preventive Activities – Adults (1 page)
Objectives covered: 1, 4
Dickinson J. Preventive activities – Adults. 2014; Available at: https://www-ucalgary-ca.ezproxy.lib.ucalgary.ca/familymedicine/system/files/preventive_activities_feb_2014.pdf. Accessed Aug/01, 2014.
General Health Checks in Adults for Reducing Morbidity and Mortality From Disease (Don’t be overzealous with the “annual physical”)
Objectives covered: 2, 3, 4
Krogsboll LT, Jorgensen KJ, Gotzsche PC. General health checks in adults for reducing morbidity and mortality from disease. JAMA 2013 Jun 19;309(23):2489-2490.
Additional Resources
Screening guidelines for prostate cancer, colorectal cancer
Screening guidelines for cervical cancer, breast cancer, and colorectal cancer
The latest on prostate cancer screening and prevention (just focus on first ten pages)
Ragsdale JW,3rd, Halstater B, Martinez-Bianchi V. Prostate cancer screening. Prim Care 2014 Jun;41(2):355-370.
Resources for patients